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Company value calculator
What is your company worth? - you can count on it!
Whether it's a sale or a succession plan - the company value is one of the key criteria for the company handover. With the company value calculator from Unternehmenswerkstatt Deutschland (UWD), you can calculate the value of your company neutrally and independently.
From actual and plan data to risk factors
The value of a company is made up of various factors. The basis for the calculation is business data. The more detailed the data, the more accurate the result.
Actual and plan data are required for the calculation. The observation period is a maximum of five years and takes into account the past, present and future. Correction factors and a risk assessment are also included in the calculation of the company value.
Actual and plan data are required for the calculation. The observation period is a maximum of five years and takes into account the past, present and future. Correction factors and a risk assessment are also included in the calculation of the company value.
The UWD company value calculator is free, secure and easy to use.
Your details remain completely anonymous - no personal data is collected.
The calculator is based on expert knowledge from the chambers of industry and commerce.
Receive your individual company valuation
The results of the business value calculator take your individual situation into account. Your individual result gives you an indication and serves as support, but is not a binding statement. You can download the result as a PDF.
Profound knowledge
There are various methods for assessing the value of a company, such as the capitalised earnings value method, the net asset value method or the market value. For UWD's company value calculator, the simple capitalised earnings value method has been supplemented by personal risk factors. This is because every company has different risk positions. Therefore, a risk premium or multiplier based solely on the sector and/or turnover size does not take into account the specific situation that characterises your company. Examples of individual risk positions include dependence on the owner as well as relationships and dependencies on customers and suppliers.